Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in PS Moglicë Extension project
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) has engaged independent consultants to conduct and carry out an extended Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). This assessment is done respecting of Albanian legislation (Law 10440, date 7.7.2011, as amended) and international standards.
PS Moglicë Extension Project
Moglicë Extension Pumped-Storage hydropower plant (PS Moglicë Extension) is a part of the Devoll Hydropower Project Concession. Statkraft’s Moglicë HPP has a large reservoir of approx. 380 million m3 with a potential to develop a large-scale pumped-storage hydropower plant as an extension to the existing reservoir. PS Moglicë Extension is located near the existing Moglicë HPP reservoir and comprises the construction of an underground powerhouse, tunnels, dams, and an upper reservoir, while utilizing the existing Moglice Reservoir as the lower one. The planned installed capacity is up to 1620 MW (1200 MW +/- 35%). The project is planned to be located in the territory of Korçë District, in Maliq and Korçë Municipalities. The project will plan and develop a high voltage transmission line to connect the plant to the national grid.
The project shall conduct a feasibility study and the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, which shall be a key input for the investment decision.
ESIA in PS Moglicë Extension
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) has engaged independent consultants to conduct and carry out an extended Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). This assessment is done respecting of Albanian legislation (Law 10440, date 7.7.2011, as amended) and international standards.
The ESIA is an independent assessment of the potential impacts of the PS Moglicë Extension project and serves to:
- Identify and assess the social and environmental impacts, positive and negative in the project’s area of influence.
- Propose measures to avoid, or where avoidance is not possible, mitigate, or compensate negative impacts on affected communities and the environment.
- Ensure affected communities are appropriately consulted on issues that potentially affect them.
ESIA consultations and surveys
During the ESIA shall be conducted baseline studies in the project area, including biodiversity and social settings including the settlements/villages (located within area of Influence).
Engagement and consultation with project stakeholders shall be conducted, including a public consultation process in line with the applicable requirements and best practice. The local community will be given several opportunities during ESIA process to be informed and provide its views for the proposed project.
ESIA process steps
The ESIA provides environmental and social input to the project’s development and planning and is divided in several steps:
Phase 1 - Initial Planning: ESIA screening report and integration of the ESIA process in the project’s development.
Phase 2 - Project Formulation: ESIA Notification process according to the Albanian legal requirements and ESIA Scoping Report. PS Moglice Extension has completed the Notification phase of the ESIA. Information on this step of the ESIA process is available at the respective stakeholders, or the DHP Public Information Offices.
Phase 3 - ESIA Feasibility: ESIA input to the PS Moglicë Extension Feasibility Study. Conducting required baseline studies, impact prediction and evaluation, including proposed mitigation measures.
Phase 4 - ESIA process reporting: Draft ESIA Report disclosure and Public Hearing. The findings of the assessments are presented and discussed with the general public.
Final ESIA Report: The final ESIA Report is prepared after the public discussion, including feedback from stakeholders.
ESMP - Environmental and Social Management Plan: Using the Final ESIA Report as a basis, the ESMP elaborates detailed Management Plans for concrete measures to treat the environmental and social impacts. During ESMP are planned to be conducted additional consultations with affected parties. ESMP shall include specific Action Plans on relevant matters applicable to the project.
More information
More information on PS Moglicë Extension project and the ESIA activities can be obtained at DHP's Public Information Offices in Moglicë and Banja, in the company's website, or respective authorities.
Technical documents of PS Moglicë Extension project submitted by DHP to the respective authorities in the frame of the ESIA Notification Project:
Contacts related to ESIA activities
Third party opinions on the ESIA for PS Moglice Extension Project can be submitted in written through post service at the company's post address:
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A.
ABA Business Centre, Rruga Papa Gjon Pali II, Ndërtesa Nr. 12, Kati Nr. 12, Zyra Nr. 1206, Njësia Bashkiake Nr. 2, Kodi Postar 1010, Tiranë, Shqipëri
Or through email at the address: info.albania@statkraft.com
You can also visit our Public Information Offices in person.
Moglicë Public Information Office
Diga Moglicë, Fshati Maliq-Opar, Njësia Administrative Moglicë, Bashkia Maliq, Korçë, Shqipëri
Banja Public Information Office
Fshati Shtepanj, Njësia Administrative Gostimë, Bashkia Cërrik, Elbasan, Shqipëri
Contact person for ESIA activities:
Mr. Alban Avdiu
Tel.: +355 (0) 4 450 1310
Email: info.albania@statkraft.com
Contact person for Grievances:
Mr. Ervin Dedja
Tel.: +355 (0) 4 450 1301
Email: grievance.albania@statkraft.com
About Devoll Hydropower Sh.A.
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) is an Albanian registered company, part of the Norwegian Statkraft Group. In line with a Concession Agreement, DHP is responsible for the implementation and operation of the Devoll Hydropower Project along the Devoll River, in southeast Albania. The Concession Agreement is based on a BOOT model and was signed with the Government of Albania on 19.12.2008, approved by the Albanian Parliament through the Law no. 10083, dated 23.02.2009, amended.