Replacement Infrastructure
100 Km of roads have been constructed or upgraded in the frame of the Devoll Hydropower Project in the Devoll valley by Statkraft in Albania
Replacement National Roads
Due to the inability of the Government of Albania to deliver certain key infrastructure components in line with the Project completion/progress, in 2015, Statkraft took over some of the responsibilities for the construction of the Replacement Infrastructure impacted by the Devoll Hydropower Project, at the cost of the Government of Albania through a reimbursement scheme. This included the replacement of two national road segments. "Banja - Gramsh road and Trashovicë Bridge", 15.5 Km long in the Banja HPP area & "Road M03, North Shore of Moglicë Reservoir", 15 Km long in the Moglicë HPP area.
In addition to these, the bypasses of Banja dam and Moglicë dam have also been constructed in this frame and are utilized as part of the regular road systems in the long term.
Improvement of existing roads
Statkraft has invested from its own sources, a substantial amount of funds and human efforts in the upgrade of existing roads within Devoll valley, with a high focus towards the upgrade of the existing road from Gramsh to Moglicë dam which is 40 Km long. Regular maintenance has been carried out since its completion in 2013/14 to ensure the safe transport through this stretch throughout project implementation.
Social Support Roads
In addition to the replacement and upgrade of the national roads, Statkraft invested through its own means in the construction of several road segments to establish permanent road connection to the villages on the south shore / left bank of both the Banja and Moglicë reservoirs.
The main road segments constructed in the frame of the Social Program are the "Banja HPP South Shore Road", 11.5 Km long, connecting the villages along the southern shore of the Banjë reservoir with Gramsh, "Moglicë HPP South Shore road segments 2A & 2B", 12 Km long combined, connecting the villages along the southern shore of the Moglicë reservoir with the national road Gramsh-Maliq.
These were implemented in the frame of the Social program in support of the Project affected communities at the cost of Statkraft.
Replacement other infrastructure
Due to the implementation of the project, existing infrastructure was affected and replaced to improved conditions.
The process of the replacement infrastructure has been implemented in close cooperation with the Government of Albania.
This included replacement of the affected transmission lines, potable water supply systems, school, etc. The replacement infrastructure was in place before the impact on the existing infrastructure and is of a substantially higher quality than the previous infrastructure which existed prior to project implementation.
The activities for the replacement infrastructure have been integrated also in the Social Development program to enhance the new established infrastructure and better serve the local communities with a reduction in operations and maintenance costs while providing an increased quality of services.